Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get an Oklahoma SR22 Insurance?
In Oklahoma SR22 Insurance is not required. However you still need to provide proof of Oklahoma Auto Insurance to show that you meet the state’s minimum liability insurance requirements.
What are Oklahoma auto insurance requirements?
Drivers in Oklahoma are required to have liability insurance. Oklahoma’s minimum insurance requirements are:
- $25,000 Bodily Injury per person
- $50,000 Bodily Injury per accident
- $25,000 Property Damage per accident
If driver’s don’t meet Oklahoma’s minimum liability insurance, they may face fines, including having their license revoked.
Why would I need Oklahoma SR22 Insurance?
Even though there are NO SR22 Insurance requirements in Oklahoma. You can still have your license suspended if convicted of the following violations:
- DWI or DUI
- Involved in accident without liability insurance
- Accumulation of 10 or more points in the driving record
- Driving without liability insurance
I am required to have SR22 insurance in my home state, but I am moving to Oklahoma, would I still need Oklahoma SR22 Insurance?
You are still required to keep your SR22 insurance for your home state if you are moving to Oklahoma. Most SR22 Insurance are required to be active for 3 years.
Where can I get Oklahoma Auto Insurance?
To obtain Auto Insurance in Oklahoma you can reach us at (918) 884-7777. You can also click this button and fill everything online.